I have created this workbook to give as homework to our EYFS children. Print the front page separately and fold to make the cover and then print the workbook pages duplex on short edge to make a double sided A5 booklet.
These sheets are also available as A4 sheets which are perfect to use in the classroom either as worksheets, interventions or laminated for CP stations.
Initial Sounds, Set 2, Set 3 and Additional Sounds also available.
I have made these practice sheets to help our class prepare for the PSC.
Every RWI sound with a green and alien word - 27 pages in total.
We are using these under laminate sheets to practice adding our sound buttons but make great chop and read activities too.
Single syllable words also available separately.
Intervention/practice worksheets for all Read Write Inc.Initial Sounds including:
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
3 x sound words and pictures
Handwriting practice
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
Our full set of RWI book marks including all coloured standard set books and non fiction with a coloured reading record for easy progress management and red words per book for quick and easy home practice.
All Set 2 Sounds - perfect for use around the classroom!
We also sell Set 1 Special Friends, Set 3, Additional Sounds and Set 1 initial sounds - have a look at our listings and bundles.
Room on the Broom Phonics Matching game with writing activities.
Pack includes:
Make the words templates
Blank templates to write your own words or combine with a writing activity
Story Words
Blank word cards for extensions and extra activities
Perfect partner to our Superworm CP packs.
RWI Sound blending puzzles including picture and 2 words per speed sound on 4/page A4 sheets.
This pack includes:
Bundle of EVERY RWI speed sound also available.
All Set 3 speed sounds - perfect for use around the classroom!
We also sell Set 2, Set 1 Special Friends, Additional Sounds and Set 1 initial sounds - have a look at our listings and bundles.
I have created this Widgit version of Owl Babies for the SEND children in our class. Every page of the book including an activity for conversation, cut and stick etc.
Intervention/practice worksheets for RWI additional sounds:
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
Nonsense and Green Word practice
Handwriting practice
Sentence Practice
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
All RWI sounds and initial sounds available.
I have created these workbooks to give as homework to our EYFS/KS1 children. Print the front pages separately and fold to make the covers and then print the workbook pages duplex on short edge to make double sided A5 booklets.
These sheets are also available as A4 sheets which are perfect to use in the classroom either as worksheets, interventions or laminated for CP stations.
RWI Sound blending puzzles including picture and 2 words per speed sound on 4/page A4 sheets.
This pack includes:
Bundle of EVERY RWI speed sound also available.
Morning work slides for every RWI Initial AND Speed Sound.
These slides are great as an introduction to phonics morning work and lead perfectly into our insert the sound and sentence doctor morning work slides.
Whatever Next Phonics Matching game with writing activities.
Pack includes:
Make the words templates
Blank templates to write your own words or combine with a writing activity
Story Words
Blank word cards for extensions and extra activities
Perfect partner to our Whatever Next CP packs.